The Corona Golden Elite Youth Track and Field Club

Corona Youth Track Running Club - Speed and Agility Training To Compete or Just To Get Fit!             “Learn by Doing”

Southern Section USA Track and Field member club

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Definitely a superior replacement for all of  the Gatorade that we keep on hand to prevent heat exhaustion and dehydration. Lots of construction workers, landscape people and sports players should try thi

s product. Below are some products from our sponsors and we are not responsible for any purchasesPeakEndurance-jarBarleyLife







KoolnFit Sport ”Coach J.”  Thank you for your support of our program!

 KOOL˜N FIT® SPORT CONDITIONING  LIQUID is a powerful, all natural external muscle spray for better  warm-up, increased endurance, and faster recovery. It is liquid,  non-staining and easy to use tough to find. Leaves no messy residue and has a  refreshing aroma-therapy scent.

Note: I place this link as a courtesy to our Parents look for this product.  We do not sell products just provide speed development training. This is Coach J personal natural product. Any Proceeds of your Purchase goes towards supplies such as sports tape for our First Aid kit. Coach J we use this as part of our  fundraising for our program!.   



