The Corona Golden Elite Youth Track and Field Club

Corona Youth Track Running Club - Speed and Agility Training To Compete or Just To Get Fit!             “Learn by Doing”

Southern Section USA Track and Field member club

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Corona Golden Elite TC 2017 Track & Field Sign up

CORONA GOLDEN ELITE YOUTH TRACK CLUB  06:00 - 7:30 PM This week sign up is on Tuesday and Thursday

Corona Golden Elite Youth Track Club is holding signups and practice for the 2014 Track and Field season. Enrollment is open to athletes between the ages of 5 and 17.
Information, coaches Sonja or Joel at 951-515-6064 or 951-444-8676 coachsonja@gmail.com or coachjoel@gmail.com

Dear Parents:  Can Speed and Agility be taught?  Yes!

Objective:  Simply put, building a champion sprinter, or distance runner starts (and ends) with the proper conditioning. When you combine the right drill progressions, with the right training regimen... and the right work ethic and coaching... your athletes can see massive gains in speed in a surprisingly short time.

Age eligibility: Five (5) to Fifteen (18)

Practice and Try-Outs: will start Tuesday 2014!

  • Girls/Boys  Division 2014 season
  • Time: 6:00 - 7:30 pm
    Site: Corona High School (91 frwy to Lincoln/10th South )
  • Practice Days: Tuesday, and Thursday at Try-Outs will be conducted every practice day. You must be able to do the workouts without stopping, or walking.

    If you missed the first try out it’s not too late to join you may come on Tuesday or Thursday to Corona High School at 6:30 p.m. so we can evaluate you.
    Coach Sonja: coachsonja@gmail.com


Coach ”J” View

With all the different training theories out there, and all the so-called "experts" peddling their advice, it's almost impossible to tell which exercises will work for YOUR athletes.  It's no surprise that so many youth and high school track coaches are hopelessly confused when it comes to conditioning their sprinters.

Worse still, some coaches are accidentally sabotaging their athletes with bad coaching techniques... creating strength imbalances that actually slow their sprinters down!

Remember, this is NOT something you can pick up from watching other teams train, or browsing the web for random articles and advice.

To get the true benefits of a proper conditioning program (and avoid the risks of doing it wrong), you need top-notch training from a legitimate Coach. Someone to take your young child by the hand and show them EXACTLY what exercises to perform and how to perform them.